As September 2020 is fast approaching and schools reopening for the new academic year, parents need to start actively engaging with the schools to bring RSE back on the agenda.
Therefore we would request all parents to email your headteachers before your school reopens enquiring about the status of RSE in your school. We have provided a template below which you can use to raise your concerns. This will help to remind headteachers to update parents regarding RSE implementation from the start of school.
Dear [Headteacher Name],
I write this letter on behalf of my son/daughter, [child’s name], in Year [R-6].
I understand that from September 2020, new regulations requiring that relationships education be taught in the school will take force but that schools may delay beginning RSE until the summer term of 2021 as per the announcement of the Department for Education on 04 June 2020.
I am also aware that as a statutory pre-condition to relationships education being taught my child, the school must consult with parents as to the contents of the school’s RSE policy and what it intends to teach my child.
Would you please let me know when that consultation will be taking place and what materials will be used as part of the teaching of relationships education?
I am aware that time is of the essence because of how close we are to September 2020. Given the potential impact of how and what will be taught as part of relationships education on the manner in which I choose to raise my child in accordance with my Muslim faith, I would urge the school to take the extension granted by the Department for Education to fully assess the needs of parents and ensure a robust consultation process.
Kind regards,
[Parent(s) name]
4 replies on “Email to send to Headteachers”
Please let me know if you considered my request
We don’t want our children to learn RSE
I hope you consider my email
not open school