Parts of RSE are of concern.
Register below to have a united voice. Larger numbers have a greater impact.
We represent parents in Tower Hamlets who are concerned about Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) in schools. Joining together to work for a better RSE policy from LBTH and Schools.
Parents are the primary educators of their children. The rights and duty of parents are to ensure the education of their children should be in line with their religious faith and values. Children are entrusted by parents to teachers and schools. The expectation in this trust is that schools should teach their children, in what parents see as, being in the best interests of their children. These rights of parents are enshrined in Human Rights Law, clearly recognising and protecting them by law.
Our concerns are as follows:

- The teaching and promotion of LGBT in School.
- Gender stereotypes and how it is taught/implemented.
- Materials and resources used to teach RSE.
- Which external organisations are used/brought in to support RSE delivery in Schools.
- The naming of sexual/reproductive body parts in KS1 (from the age of 5) under the guise of safeguarding.
- The age appropriateness of some of the topics to be taught

Find out what you can do to make a difference in your child’s school, by following our Parent’s Action Plan
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Harms of RSE video by Parent Power
Watch the sermon raising awareness about RSE by Shaykh Abdul Qayyum
Learn the facts about RSE by Maulana Kazi Ashiqur Rahman
A very well articulated sermon by Maulana Kazi Ashiqur Rahman. THPA would like to clarify that the naming of sexual body parts is NOT part of the statutory requirement for primary schools as set out in the DfE guidance document on RE.