A follow-up email was sent to Tower Hamlets Council on Thursday 19th March after THPA met with Cllr Danny Hassell and Kate Smith the week before (Thursday 12th March).
This email became even more necessary after several reports of school headteachers stating they will be following the Local Authority policy on RSE and that schools do not need to consult with parents. This is a direct result of the Local Authority giving misinformation to headteachers which were filled with factual and legal inaccuracies.
THPA will continue to push for full parental engagement by schools in order to have meaningful consultation and a reflective RSE policy that takes into consideration the faith of the pupils the school serves, which is a STATUTORY DUTY on all schools.

4 replies on “Email sent to the Local Authority”
One primary school have announced they will start September 2021. Firstly with the year 1 pupils in the summer. Sadly even though 90% of the children are muslim no parents have spoken out apart from three patents. The head teacher gave a short presentation of the topics they will introduce and what they decided is suitable for the children.
Help spread this petition against rse as petition is the best way to promote these matters against the government corruption such as these
Evidence further show clear bestiality and incest are being promoted through this
Help spread this petition against rse as petition is the best way to promote these matters against the government corruption such as these
Evidence further show clear bestiality and incest are being promoted through this
What LA are doing will cause damaging relationship between parents and schools particularly the head teachers. Who will then sort it out? The LA? I don’t think so. The head teachers do not have to follow everything the LA tells them to. When they plan trips, lessons etc they don’t do it all according to what LA wants them to do. During this whole covid-19 confusion head teachers were not waiting for LA guidance but the governments! What did the LA do then? The government guidance clearly states headteachers have to listen to the parents, parent MUST be consulted, has to be FAITH and AGE appropriate. I am still waiting to see that happening like all other parents who are opposed to this. I feel angry that the same MPs and councillors that come knocking at our door for our votes do not listen to us when we need them. Who are they serving then?